A Call Changes Everything

SOLC: Day 18

One call changes your day

Your mother in law is fading away.


We don’t know how much more before she’s gone

My heart is aching and so is her son’s.



SOLC: Day 17

The keyboard is off and collecting dust.

The music sheets are put away.

Music has temporarily stopped.

It’s as if someone has hit the pause button on my personal concerto.

It’s intermission time.

She’s back in school from break.

An unexpected stop on our journey

Today my husband and I were in New York.  It was a great day for a drive, and since we were in the area (and finished filing our taxes), we decided to go to Howard Beach.  This place is special to us because we had several dates in the area.  One particular location (just a simple diner) is etched in our minds because we went to eat there the night before our wedding.  The day before our wedding had been a hectic day and we both needed to escape everything and everyone.  We drove through the area and stopped to eat at this diner.  As we sat in the booth, the worries of the day were forgotten and we were able to remember the real meaning of the next 24 hours.

For different reasons (such as living in another state), we had not returned to that little diner until today.  We decided to drive through the area, and to our surprise the diner was still there.  Of course we had to go in and have lunch.  As we sat there, so many memories flooded our minds.  My husband even remembered where we sat all those years ago.  It was a great unexpected stop on today’s journey.  I am hoping we can go back this summer with the children.

It’s that time, again.

SOLC: Day 15

Tomorrow is a day that can’t be avoided.

Tomorrow will make us cringe.

Tomorrow is important.

Tomorrow will make my stomach turn.

Tomorrow involves a lot of paperwork.

Tomorrow will feel like a long day.

We’re going to do our taxes. Ugh!


SOLC: Day 14

I wish I could duplicate myself.

I wish I could be there for every teacher.

I wish I could be there for every need.

I wish I could duplicate myself.

I wish I could spend extra time each day with students.

I wish my schedule wasn’t so limited.

I wish I could duplicate myself.

Change of plans

SOLC: Day 13

Arriving home today I was surprised to see my nephew’s car in my driveway.  As I walked in through the garage entrance, he was sitting at my dining room table working on his latest video project.  I also know that whenever he stops by, he wants me to make his favorite meal.

Me- “Hey, what a surprise!  What are you up to?”

P- “Hi waffle lady.  I’m on Spring break so I stopped by to hang out.”

Me- “What are you working on?”

P- “A video for my channel.”

Me- “Great.”

P- “What are you making for dinner?”  (You can guess where this is going.)

Me- “Why?  Are you in the mood for something in particular?”

P- Looks up and just smiles a wide grin.

Me- “Fine.  Waffles for dinner.”

P- “Thank you waffle lady.”

Of course, I set up his favorite toppings and we all had waffles for dinner.  I must admit, waffles for dinner was a great and sweet mid-week treat.



She wants her special time

SOLC: Day 12

I come home and change my clothes.

A bark, a swat of the paw, and following like a shadow.

I work in the kitchen preparing dinner for the evening.

A bark, a swat of the paw, and following like a shadow.

I sit at the computer to get my work done but she wants attention.

A bark, a swat of the paw, and following like a shadow.

Finally, she picks up a ball,

drops it in my lap,

and looks at me with those big blue eyes.

I get the hint and stop what I’m doing.

My four legged child gets her mommy-daughter play time.

It’s never as simple as it seems

SOLC: Day 11

A simple dental visit?

I’ll just go for my cleaning.  Simple, right?

I’l just get my x-rays done.  Simple, right?

I’ll just have the dentist look over my mouth.  Simple, right?

He pokes around my mouth and informs me…

I need a root canal.  Not so simple.

I need a wisdom tooth removed.  Not so simple.

Nothing is as simple as it seems.

Sunday Dinners

SOLC:  Day 10

I love having Sunday dinners, but I don’t love the clean up.

I love having family members around the table, but I don’t like the dirty dishes.

I love the conversations around the table, but I don’t like the dirty pots.

I love the stories and laughter, but I don’t like when it ends.

I can’t wait until next Sunday, but now it’s time to clear the table.

Until next Sunday!

My Yearly Tribute to a Wonderful Woman

SOLC: Day 9

Remembering Grandma (My yearly tribute)

Fourteen years ago, my grandmother passed away from Alzheimer’s Disease.  It was a terrible blow to me because she was the only one of my grandparents that was still alive.  She was a strong opinionated woman and was well known (and loved) by everyone in her town.  She seemed to know everyone as well as their family members and would always point out anyone that was related to us.  I always thought she would have made a great lawyer, but she never did because she married at a young age and became a stay at home mom.  My sisters and I always loved spending time with her because whenever we would visit, she would cook all of our favorite dishes, and she would take out her photo albums and tell us the stories behind the photos.  Grandmothers are great like that!

During our last visit with her, I understood the cruelty of Alzheimers and its affect on everyone else.  Although my grandmother was there physically, her memories had already disappeared.  Each of us had to remind her of who we were and she could no longer tell us the stories behind the photos.  We now had to tell them to her.  I watched as this once strong woman required us to label the rooms in the house so she wouldn’t get disoriented.  At that point, I realized that she was already gone.  I told my husband that that person was just the shell of the grandmother I knew.   What a cruel disease!

I mention all this because today is her birthday.  I miss the stories and food, but mostly being able to call her and wish her a Happy Birthday.  I guess what I want you to know is…Always value the time you have with your loved ones and remember to give them a big hug!